Opening Hours
Mondays, 10am to 12.30 p.m. Wednesdays 10.30am to 2pm Fridays 10 am to 12.30 p.m.
2nd Saturday of the month 10a.m. to 1 p.m. Other times by prior Appointment
Closed Bank Holidas
HEATHER’S STORY. Our latest publication is now available. It tells the true story of a young girl living in Griggs Green, attending Liphook Junior School, living in The Deers Hut and attending her first job at Passfield Mill
SCHOOL DAY MEMORIES . Recently published, and very popular, this book was written by Derek (Dik) Holdsworth (with contributions from Irene Ellis (Dik’s Sister), Russ Ellis, Esther Porter, Dennis and Stella Clinker, David Frost and Pam Budd)
Click on Book Reviews to read more about School Day Memories
All our books can be purchased from The Liphook Heritage Centre or by contacting us for mail order from liphookheritage@gmail.com Go to our For Sale page for details of all our publications
AQUEDUCT NAMED AS ONE OF THE BEST IN THE COUNTRY! – The Aqueduct is a scheduled monument, part of an irrigation system built in the 15th century to carry water over the River Wey onto the water meadows. From the early 1600’s the Wey valley was filled with water meadows and the remains of the system can still be seen in Radford Park to-day. The Aqueduct can be seen from the Memorial bridge located on the London Road, the start of some of our walks. clickLiphook to Bramshott & back for more pictures

VILLAGE HISTORY Click below to follow our Feature on Liphook’s First Post Office
WALKING IN THE COMMUNITY – GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH! Our volunteers present some of their favourite walks in and around our village including a route map, and details of points of interest where you can pause and look at your surroundings. https://www.liphookheritage.org.uk/walks/
Email us with details of your favourite walk with pictures, if you can, and we will add it to our website. www.liphookheritage@gmail.com
SHOPPING IN LIPHOOK in 1980’s …. Our page shows you just where you could shop, guided by the ads of the time! Just for fun, check out the addresses and see what’s there now.Shopping in Liphook 1980’s
VILLAGE PICTURE QUIZ -you will see these items on your walks -It will test your powers of observation as well as knowledge! But………don’t groan, It will be quite painless and without pressure! Go tohttps://www.liphookheritage.org.uk/picture-quiz/
PAST & PRESENT Just a little bit of fun! Send us your modern village photos and see if we can match them with historic pictures from our Archive https://www.liphookheritage.org.uk/pastpresent/

The Liphook Heritage Centre holds a fascinating and wide range of records revealing the story of Bramshott and Liphook and its people which are available for you to enjoy . During Lock-down we will do our utmost to help you with your research using our digital resources.
Future plans – Your Heritage Centre needs you! See why at Please Help Us
Please note your privacy will be respected at all times and we will not post any personal details without your permission.
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