Your Heritage Centre needs You!
- Are you Computer literate? Would you be willing to give a small amount of your time to help cataloguing our Archive. We will lead you through it.
Are you an avid fan of Facebook? We currently have two facebook pages which causes all sorts of confusion. We would like to merge them and be proactive through this media – can you help!
- Do you or a relative or friend have memories of growing up in Liphook/Bramshott? We would like to record your experiences for our Oral History Project. Please contact us.
If you would like to be involved in any of these Projects please contact us by email on

Although it could be some time before we are open to the public we are hoping to get guidance on how we can continue our work behind closed doors.
In the past we have encouraged our local Schools to use our archive in their studies and we hope we will be able to resume this in the future.