A 3 Mile Circular walk over flat terrain starting at the Millennium Car Park

Points of interest are in Italics
- Turn left out of the car-park and walk beside the Millennium Green to the roundabout at Redwood Terrace. Liphook in Bloom have sown a beautiful mix of wild flower seeds here in these flower beds.
- Turn right and walk to Hiscock’s Pet Shop
- Turn right onto old Midhurst Road and walk for 30 yards to Fletcher’s Field on the left.
- Walk through Fletcher’s Field to the Portsmouth Road. Cross the road and follow the sign for the Church Centre
- Take the path on the left of the road. This path takes you past the new houses at Silent Gardens. Go along a narrow path through a kiss gate into a wide-open field.
- Keep along this path passing a lake on your left until you come to some dilapidated outbuildings belonging to Foley Manor and you reach a tarmac road.
- At this point turn left, passing the Gardener’s Cottage on your left, walking around the bend in the road with Foley Manor on your right.
- Now you can see another lake on your left. Do look at the rock garden reaching down to the lake, part of Foley Garden.
- Carry on along this drive to the gates of the Manor. WHAT DO YOU SEE AT THIS POINT?
- Continue walking along the road with a lake on your right and beautiful trees bordering the drive (spectacular when the Rhododendrons are in flower) to the gate house on your left.
- Go straight ahead across the golf course being aware of golfers driving down the fairway. Once across the fairway take a path to your left which runs parallel to the Portsmouth Road. Carefully cross this road and take the road opposite with cottages on your left and a car park on your right.
- Go under the railway bridge and bear left taking the path through the field running parallel to the railway. Make sure you keep on the farmer’s path to the top of the field through some bushes and into Gunn’s Farm children’s playground.
- At the end of the path by the big tree, turn immediately left into The Close. At the cul-de-sac end, on the right of the houses, there is a pathway which leads you to Midhurst Road.
- Cross the road onto the pavement Turn left, and walk across the railway bridge and back to Redwood Terrace, towards the Millennium Green and the carpark.
We hope you enjoyed this walk Joan and Peter Finney
Send us your pictures, we will post them and fill in some interesting details!